Print This Card in 4 Easy Steps:
- Pick a design
- Customize it
- Print it and Deliver It
- Bask in the awe and delight of all your friends who've just voted you:
"The Most Awesome, Caring & Thoughtful Friend of the Year!"*
(*results may vary from friend to friend)
You'll also be able to:
- Get email reminders for your important, upcoming birth dates and anniversaries
- Keep track of holiday card lists and thank you lists
- Get tips and tricks on customizing your cards, create custom envelopes and more!
- Links to buy cool, eco-friendly paper, envelopes, stamps and more!
- Did you really blow it? That's ok. We do have "e(mergency)Cards" you can email out in a flash (but you should still print out something special for them!)
We're workin' on it! See you 3/2025!